


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large”

All of our people are treated with respect, and their health, safety and basic human rights must be protected AND PROMOTED.

Each of our production facility must strive to comply all compliance standard and all relevant local and international and regulations.

Our Certifications

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Being socially responsible manufacturer, OUR MANUFACTURING FACILITY has taken every precautionary steps to build a highly ethical, safe, healthy & hygienic work environment, complaint in all respects. Child Labor is not allowed. In addition, our generous spacing between machines makes the production floor more comfortable to work & aesthetically appealing. We have clearly marked evacuation zones & routes for emergency exits; also ornamented this factory with electrical & fire safety equipment’s for example: UL-certified fire hydrant,, automated & centralized fire detection & control system, fire door, etc. Safe drinking water & hygienic toilets are provided in adequate numbers for all workers